
Examples of our campaigns

 These are the full-length versions. We also create much shorter versions to split test.

FunnySalesVideos.com is owned & operated by ProCreative Production Studios

Have your ads stopped performing?

How a Funny Sales Video by ProCreative Studios can help:

• Instantly grab customers' attention

• Connect on deeper emotional level

• Persuasive stories that drive action

• Higher CTR & return on ad spend

Lower Cost = Higher ROAS

Ryan McKenzie • Co-Founder, Tru Earth

"I don't have another video ad that produced such a positive return on ad spend that quickly! We covered 100% of the cost of producing this video with the sales it generated in just a few hours of releasing it. It now has 500 MILLION views & many MILLIONS in sales."

What our clients say about us

"They took our script, written by Harmon Brothers and turned it into a MASTERPIECE! I couldn't believe how well it turned out. They were considerably more reasonably priced & incredibly responsive to requests. 100% recommend!"

Seth Carnes • Marketing, Pet Parents


“Since producing our FunnySalesVideo last year, our online sales have DOUBLED! I’m so grateful to the whole team for all they helped us accomplish and would highly recommend them to anyone looking to grow.” 

Sharik Peck • CEO, Rezzimax


"If you want the quality of a Harmon Brothers viral video for just a FRACTION of the price, FunnySalesVideos is THE place to go. I can’t say enough about how impressed we are. I highly recommend them."

Scott Brandley • Co-Founder, Trust Brands

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